Causes And Symptoms Of Multiple Sclerosis

Preventive Health Care
IN ADDITIONAL TO proper diet and exercise, periodic health appraisals and screening tests are essential. Regular evaluations should occur once a year. Health maintenance evaluations should include a health history, physical examination, and laboratory tests depending on age and history. Beyond this basic, general testing, certain special screening tests should be done at regular intervals that depend on the person's age:

Causes And Symptoms Of Multiple Sclerosis
  • Breast or testicular examination done by a healthcare provider
  • Blood testing for cholesterol
  • Rectal examination for men and women after age 40 years 
  • Stool blood examination and other colon cancer testing for men and women after age 50 years, or if symptoms appear 
  • Pap smear for women of reproductive age, usually once a year 
  • Annual mammogram for women after age 40-50 years 
  • For those with MS, blood testing for thyroid problems. 
Those with greater physical disability may worry that Pap tests, colon cancer screening, or mammography will be difficult to obtain. Many communities now offer accessible facilities for preventive health examinations. Some medical offices have special examination tables that lower to the floor. For pelvic examinations, the practitioner can use other adaptive equipment or techniques to increase comfort and avoid fatigue, it is certainly worthwhile to tell your practitioner in advance if you have any special needs.
People who have a chronic illness or disability may also have a tendency to neglect their dental health. Guidelines for accessing optimal dental care are available from the National MS Society.

ALTHOUGH WE MAY think of immunizations as interventions for children, even adults sometimes need immunizations to protect their health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend these shots for adults:

  • Tetanus and diphtheria (Td) booster every 10 years 
  • Annual influenza immunization (flu shot) if you are over 50 or if you have certain medical indications (Most MS Specialist neurologists recommend a yearly flu shot for their patients.)
  • Pneumococcal (pneumonia) immunization if you are over age 65 
  • Varicella (chicken pox) immunization if you have not had the chicken pox. 
With or without MS, you may also need other immunizations, depending on your medical history and on whether you plan to travel abroad.

Safety Issues
THERE ARE MANY things you and your family can do to make your daily lives safer and healthier. Important safety measures include:

  • Wearing seat belts every time you drive or ride in a motor vehicle.
  • Using condoms to prevent sexually transmitted diseases if you are sexually active.
  • Avoiding excessive sun exposure and applying protective sunscreen when you will be in the sun. 
  • Keeping no firearms in the house, or at least keeping them securely locked. 
  • Avoiding tobacco and drugs, and drinking alcohol in moderation if at all. 
  • Protecting yourself and others from domestic violence. 
The media publicize reports of abuse against women, children and even elders. Many Americans do not realize, however, that younger adults with disabilities can also be abused or neglected in the home. If you are concerned about possible abuse or neglect in any form, contact your local protective services agency or police department. There are also community resources available to help with alcohol and drug problems. Smokers who wish to quit can ask their doctors about new medications and behavioral strategies, or dial 1-800-NO-BUTTS.
Stress Management
GOOD PREVENTIVE HEALTH care includes finding comfortable and effective ways to manage the stresses of everyday life. Stress management can take a variety of forms; the primary goal should be to identify activities or techniques that you enjoy enough to continue doing on a regular basis. While one person may unwind by attending a support group or an exercise class, another may read, listen to music, or write in a journal. Regular recreational activities, such as playing cards, going to the movies, or gathering with friends for dinner are also important strategies for easing the tensions of daily living. Keep in mind that although some people need time alone in order to relax and unwind, others seek group activities or social interaction as a way to relieve stress.

People who find themselves feeling overwhelmed and out of control of the stresses in their lives should not hesitate to consult a psychotherapist. A mental health professional can help you identify the sources of stress in your life as well as effective management strategies. A consultation may be all you need to get started on your own stress management approach. To find out more, you can check out Causes And Symptoms Of Multiple Sclerosis.